Become a MiSCA Coach!
All our coaches are volunteers. They are generous individuals with the passion and drive to empower youth through mountain biking. Being a volunteer coach is a great way to introduce students to a healthy outdoor activity, be a positive role model, and allows you as a coach to be in the outdoors as well!
More than being a good mountain bike rider or competitive athlete, there are many other aspects to being a successful coach.
A successful coach:
- Possesses good character and is a positive role model
- Has a strong commitment to positive youth development
- Is motivational and inspires athletes to improve and work hard
- Has the capacity to work in partnership with co-coaches
- Is good at communicating with riders and parents
Catch up by watching recordings from our recent webinar series:Â YouTube
How to Get Involved
Coaches are the backbone of MiSCA and we wouldn’t be able to roll out these amazing programs without your awesome dedication to the future of youth cycling in Michigan! To provide the best experience for our kids, and keep them safe, there are several requirements for becoming a certified MiSCA Coach. Some requirements may be waived in the first year of a new team. Contact us with questions: [email protected]
Certification Requirements
Approved Activities
A minimum of 2 certified coaches must be present at all times (see SafeKids Policy) during all team activities. 1 Level III coach required per team. All team rides and outdoor practices must have a least a Level II coach present. On the bike coach to rider ratio 1:6 (one coach per 6 students); off bike coach to rider ratio 1:8.Â
**a level II coach (first aid/CPR certified) must be present during skills training**
Details for Certification Requirements
Some requirements may be waived in the first year of a new team. Contact us with questions:Â [email protected]
Cost: $30 annually
Every adult volunteer working with teams must register with MiSCA and have a Participation Waiver on file. Registration is via our online registration system where you will be able to complete your annual registration, initiate a background check, verify achieved requirements and, register for clinics. If you need help registering, please contact [email protected].
Background Check
Cost: Included with MiSCA coach registration (online)
Every adult volunteer in our organization must complete a background check per our SafeKids Policy. Background checks are initiated each year via our online registration system at the time of coach registration. You will receive an invitation via email to complete the background check (check Spam folder). If you did not receive the invitation, email [email protected] to resend the email.
Sterling Volunteers’ simple 4 step process takes less than 5 minutes to complete. You’ll submit your basic information (name, address etc.) and then your background check will be completed in as little as 12 hours. Sterling Volunteers background checks are comprised of the highest quality searches to help provide safe environments for both volunteers and the organizations they serve. Our background check includes a Social Security Trace, Nationwide Criminal History Search, Department of Justice Sex Offender Search and more.
You will receive an email from Sterling when your background check is approved. This is automatically confirmed in CCN and no further action is required.
Concussion Training
Cost: Free (online)
Time: Approximately 20 minutes
Concussion management is important for all riders! All adults working with students must complete the CDC’s Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports. Learn about the signs and symptoms of concussion and what to do if you believe a rider is experiencing one. Please review the CDC Heads Up Concussion in Youth Sports and complete a quick quiz. MiSCA will verify completion and upload results into our registration system on a weekly basis.
Coaches Code of Conduct & SafeKids Policy
Cost: Free (online)
Time: Approximately 10 minutes
MiSCA expects coaches to maintain a certain level of professionalism. By reviewing the Coaches Code of Conduct annually, coaches are continually reminded of their commitment to our families. MiSCA is committed to provide a safe environment and to prevent child abuse and sexual misconduct. MiSCA will take appropriate action on all allegations of child abuse and/or sexual misconduct. All allegations will be reported immediately to the authorities for investigation and we will cooperate fully with any such investigation.Â
Requirement is satisfied during annual registration process.
Coaching on the Trail
Cost: Included with MiSCA coach registration (online)
Time: Approximately 30 Minutes
Coaches that review this material will feel capable of assisting ride leaders during group rides.
Preparing to coach on the trail
- Pre-riding trails
- What’s in your pack?
- Basic first-aid & CPR training
- Developing an Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
- Emergency Contact list
- Incident response
- Incident report form
Ride Leading
- Bike Safety Check
- Helmet Check
- Assessing riders
- Safety Talk
- Ride leading best practices
- Trail Etiquette
- Incident response
- Reflection
All coaches must review the Coaching on the Trail study guide and pass the Quiz.
 MiSCA will verify completion and upload results into our registration system on a weekly basis.
First Aid
Cost: Varies (in-person)
Time: Approximately 4 Hours (may be combined with CPR below)
Mountain biking is a sport that involves inherent risk and often takes place in locations that responders would have trouble reaching in an emergency. For this reason, our coach certification program has high standards for first aid certifications. Adult Basic First Aid classes offered by organizations such as American Red Cross will fulfill this requirement (Adult & Pediatric preferred). Typically First Aid Certification lasts 2 years. Only certifications that include an in-person component are valid.
Submit your certificates in the Coach Requirement Submissions page in CCN. MiSCA will verify your certificate and expiration on a weekly basis.
Cost: Varies (in-person)
Time: Approximately 2 Hours (may be combined with First Aid above)
Mountain biking is a sport that involves inherent risk and often takes place in locations that responders would have trouble reaching in an emergency. For this reason, our coach certification program has high standards for CPR certifications for our coaches. Adult Basic CPR/AED certification offered by organizations such as American Heart Association or American Red Cross will fulfill this requirement Adult & Pediatric preferred). Typically CPR Certification lasts 2 years. Only certifications that include an in-person component are valid.
Submit your certificates in the Coach Requirement Submissions page in CCN. MiSCA will verify your certificate and expiration on a weekly basis.
Essential MTB Skills Course
Cost: Included with MiSCA coach registration (in-person)
Time: Approximately 4 Hours
Prerequisite: Coaching on the Trail
Coaches that attend the training will feel capable of teaching their student-athletes the Essential Skills.
- Coaches will be able to set up a skills instruction session
- Coaches will be able to teach and demonstrate the Essential Skills
- Coaches will be able to detect rider errors and provide appropriate corrections
Skills Included:
- Neutral and Ready Position
- Braking
- Side to Side Bike/Body Separation
- Forward and Back Bike/Body Separation
- Intro to Cornering
- Tight Turns
- Shifting
- Climbing
- Seated climbing
- Crouched climbing
- Standing climb
- Climbing Dismount
- Climbing Restart
- Descending Dismount
Find coach education through our events listing. MiSCA will process your completion in our registration system and send you a certificate via email.
Intermediate MTB Skills Course
Cost: Included with MiSCA coach registration (in-person)
Time: Approximately 4 Hours
Prerequisite: Essential MTB Skills (can be completed on the same day immediately before)
Coaches that attend the training will feel capable of teaching their student-athletes the Intermediate Skills.
- Coaches will be able to set up a skills instruction session
- Coaches will be able to teach and demonstrate the Intermediate Skills
- Coaches will be able to detect rider errors and provide appropriate corrections
Skills Included:
- 3 Essentials
- Progression of Essential Skills (Tall and Low Ready Position, Foot Wedge, Body Wedge, Braking, Intermediate Cornering)
- Ratcheting
- Riding Straight Lines
- Rock Dodge
- Switchbacks
- Sprinting
- Bumping & Proximity Skills
- Level Lift
- Basic Front Wheel Lift
- Basic Rear Wheel Lift
- Roll Down
Find coach education through our events listing. MiSCA will process your completion in our registration system and send you a certificate via email.
Advanced MTB Skills Course
Cost: Included with MiSCA coach registration (in-person)
Time: Approximately 4 Hours
Prerequisite: Intermediate MTB Skills (can be completed on the same day immediately before)
Coaches that attend the training will feel capable of teaching their student-athletes the Advanced Skills.
- Coaches will be able to set up a skills instruction session
- Coaches will be able to teach and demonstrate the Advanced Skills
- Coaches will be able to detect rider errors and provide appropriate corrections
Skills Included:
- 3 Essentials
- Pumping
- Advanced Cornering
- Berm Cornering
- Trackstand
- Rolling Dismount
- Rolling Mount
- Manual Front Wheel Lift
- Pedaling Front Wheel Lift
- Drops
Find coach education through our events listing. MiSCA will process your completion in our registration system and send you a certificate via email.